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Breakthrough Achieved! ZIMASCO, MRDC and Bungwe Community Sign Mineral exploration and compensation Agreement.

Centre for Conflict Management and Transformation (CCMT) is thrilled to announce a breakthrough in a case involving Mberengwa Rural District Council (MRDC), Bungwe Community, and ZIMASCO Mining Company!

From left to right standing: Acting Provincial Director Local Government Mr. C. Murove, Councillor Mlambo, MRDC CEO Mr. Maeresera, MRDC Council Chairperson G. Moyo, CCMT Director Mr. X. Mudangwe

From left to right sitting: Chief Bvute, Headman Chikava, ZIMASCO Managing Director Mr. B. Chitiki, Mberengwa District Development Coordinator Mr. V. Hlavati (Photo Credit: Cyril Mushambi)

After extensive efforts to find common ground, all parties have signed a tripartite peace agreement to end the conflict. The agreement will enable ZIMASCO to conduct mining operations and at the same time, 37 households displaced by mineral exploration in Bungwe have their livelihoods secured through the provision of piped water infrastructure for irrigation.

This agreement is a significant development that demonstrates a commitment to responsible mining practices by ZIMASCO, that prioritizes the well-being of communities displaced by mining projects. The security of the Bungwe livelihoods means a brighter future for countless individuals and families in the community.

This is a testament to the power of collaboration, and a fantastic example of what can be achieved when parties to a conflict collaborate. CCMT is honoured to have been part of this win-win outcome and remains committed to supporting all stakeholders throughout the agreement's implementation.

CCMT Director Mr. X. Mudangwe

Photo Credit: Cyril Mushambi

This victory for the Bungwe community paves the way for a harmonious relationship between mining and local communities proving that responsible mining can lead to positive outcomes. By safeguarding the livelihoods of displaced communities, we are strengthening the social fabric of our nation and building a more resilient future.

The Bungwe signing ceremony in pictures

Photo Credit: Cyril Mushambi

CCMT wants to extend sincere appreciation to the District Development Coordinator (DDC) Mberengwa District, MRDC, and ZIMASCO for their unwavering efforts in reaching this resolution. Their unwavering commitment to collaborative problem-solving was instrumental in reaching this sustainable solution that benefits both the Bungwe community and the mining industry.

Stay tuned for further updates!

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